MM, an household name in Kwara and beyond – a symbol of truth and boldness.
Hon. MM, is a born Captain who uses every tool at his disposal to empower, inspire, ignite emotions and create positive changes in the hearts and minds of everyone around him.
MM is a Commander, who does not only command, but guides and defends the needy, an exemplary leader, a figure in the forefront.
This Phenomenal Human, as rightly referred to in our previous article, has a great deal of passion in bringing out the best in people, ~a personified wise discernment~ who strove for mastery, I refused to use the word “successful” as a code for monetary wealth or position in the case of this Phemomenal Human. According to him “my level of success and achievement is determined by the level of lives and homes i am able to impact positively”
Hon.Mashood Mustapha. MM is a Captain who is committed to a higher purpose of service to humanity.
MM brings out the brilliance in everyone regardless of the tribe or religion. MM never expects indentured allegiance from anyone, he is a Captain that respects, values and loves both the young and old.
To attain a Captainship stature like Hon. MM is not about the fatness of your Bank Account but your genuine and sincere relationship with the needy, the indigent, destitute and the penniless in your community.
The features of a real Captain;
– Trustworthiness
– Honesty
– Humility
– Kindness
– Love
– Generosity
Hon. MM is a CAPTAIN.